
International Conference “New priorities for cultural policies of the Republic of Moldova”.

More than 50 people attended yesterday, November 21, 2019, in Chisinau, at the International Conference “New priorities for cultural policies of the Republic of Moldova”.
The objective of the event was to determine the priorities of cultural policies in the context of the elaboration of the National Development Strategy “Moldova 2030”.
The conference was preceded, during the period August-September 2019, by a series of public discussions attended by professionals in the field, civil society, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and the following priorities were identified:
1. Reforming and adjusting to the current requirements of the financing system of the cultural domain;
2. Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the activity of cultural organizations;
3. Improvement and profitability of the activity of theatrical-concert institutions;
4. Development of cultural community centers as institutions of cultural industries.
5. Increasing the participation of civil society in supporting cultural activities and cultural organizations in sustainable development;
6. Creating an active mobile cultural space throughout the country.
The event was attended by researchers and professionals from the field of culture in Moldova. The experts from the Visegrad countries shared: Zora Jaurova, president of the Creative Industry Forum (SK); Marcin Poprawski, Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan (PL); Žáková Eva, PhDr, Institut umění – Divadelní ústav (CZ) and Peter Inkei, director of the Budapest Observatory (HU).
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, the partner of the event, represented by Andrei Chistol, the minister’s adviser, welcomed the audience and appreciated the importance of the conference for the culture of the Republic of Moldova.
The conference is part of the project “Innovative Cultural Policies for Moldova”. The purpose is to elaborate a set of recommendations to the Moldovan decision-making bodies for streamlining cultural policies in the context of the implementation of the National Development Strategy “Moldova 2020”.
The project is implemented by the Center for Cultural Policies and the Institute for Legal, Political and Sociological Research with the support of the Visegrad Fund, in partnership with Budapest Observatory (Hungary), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), Creative Industry Forum (Slovakia) and Institut umění – Divadelní ústav (Czech Republic).

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